
Heidees - Catchup Women    8 - 17

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
47Ann-Kathrin Bergmann145
32Anja Folberth033
25Maike Tiro303
63Carolina Gordillo112
11Maren Oberländer101
7Annkatrin Voos101
2Chantal Hagenbach000
78Tamara Koeke000
8Antje Liebold000
30Mona Schäck000
34Mirjam Schweitzer000
24Jana Wagner000
Catchup Women
39Marlen Kainzmayer336
4Sandra Kniely505
9Sophie Felgitsch134
62Daniela Setina314
31Laura Jungwirth033
28Livia Justich123
58Johanna Roy123
49Magdalena Krainz213
48Sophie Bretschko011
74Maja Ortner011
13Rosa Wutti101
24Lina Ortner000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#62 Daniela Setina #39 Marlen Kainzmayer 2.352.35
Offence 0.00
0 - 2#4 Sandra Kniely #9 Sophie Felgitsch 3.551.20
1 - 2#25 Maike Tiro #47 Ann-Kathrin Bergmann 5.001.05
1 - 3#4 Sandra Kniely #74 Maja Ortner 6.201.20
2 - 3#25 Maike Tiro #47 Ann-Kathrin Bergmann 7.150.55
2 - 4#4 Sandra Kniely #9 Sophie Felgitsch 8.401.25
2 - 5#39 Marlen Kainzmayer #62 Daniela Setina 10.101.30
3 - 5  #32 Anja Folberth 10.100.00
3 - 6#39 Marlen Kainzmayer #31 Laura Jungwirth 13.453.35
4 - 6#11 Maren Oberländer #47 Ann-Kathrin Bergmann 15.351.50
4 - 7#58 Johanna Roy #31 Laura Jungwirth 16.501.15
5 - 7#25 Maike Tiro #32 Anja Folberth 20.504.00
Timeout 17.00
5 - 8#49 Magdalena Krainz #39 Marlen Kainzmayer 22.552.05
5 - 9#4 Sandra Kniely #28 Livia Justich 24.301.35
5 - 10#39 Marlen Kainzmayer #58 Johanna Roy 26.201.50
5 - 11#9 Sophie Felgitsch #48 Sophie Bretschko 27.401.20
5 - 12#49 Magdalena Krainz #31 Laura Jungwirth 29.251.45
5 - 13#28 Livia Justich #9 Sophie Felgitsch 30.100.45
5 - 14#62 Daniela Setina #39 Marlen Kainzmayer 31.301.20
6 - 14#47 Ann-Kathrin Bergmann #63 Carolina Gordillo 32.351.05
6 - 15#13 Rosa Wutti #58 Johanna Roy 33.300.55
7 - 15#63 Carolina Gordillo #32 Anja Folberth 34.301.00
8 - 15#7 Annkatrin Voos #47 Ann-Kathrin Bergmann 37.152.45
8 - 16#4 Sandra Kniely #28 Livia Justich 38.000.45
8 - 17#62 Daniela Setina #49 Magdalena Krainz 38.500.50

Game statistics

HeideesCatchup Women
Goals: 8 17
Time on offence: 25.45 min (66.3 %) 13.05 min (33.7 %)
Time on defence: 13.05 min (33.7 %) 25.45 min (66.3 %)
Time on offence/goal: 3.13 min 0.46 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.46 min 3.13 min
Goals from starting on offence: 7/16 (43.8 %) 8/9 (88.9 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 1/9 (11.1 %) 9/16 (56.3 %)
Goals from turnovers: 1 9
Time-outs: 1 0
Spirit points: 11 (2+2+2+3+2) 10 (1+2+3+2+2)
Spirit comments Die 1 bei Rules Knowledge and Use bezieht sich auf die Situation, wo das Spiel gestoppt wurde, ohne ein Foul zu callen. Regel 15.4 only the Player foulend may claim a foul by calling foul. Annotation 15.4 if a breach is committed and not called, the player committing the breach should inform the opponent or their Team. However play must not be stopped to do so.

Game history