
Tartu Turbulence (Mixed)


EUICC 2024 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Villem Tõnisson78311
6Kaidi Veske7112
7Jakob Tamm7333265
8Lasma Kublicka7131124
11Kristel Lints721223
12Ralf Tambets7011
13Janek Pello7123
17Ines Anett Nigol7011
27Helen Tera7161632
30Ingmar Nõmmann7044
32Daniel Teder741216
33Klaara Leet761218
45Ott Toomsalu751217
77Kaspar Sapelkov7325

EUICC 2024:

Division: Mixed

Terrible Monkeys 17 - 15 Tartu Turbulence  Game play
Tartu Turbulence 15 - 13 Sesquidistus  Game play
Tartu Turbulence 17 - 7 Trondheim Frissbeeklubb  Game play
Tartu Turbulence 17 - 11 SLAB  Game play
Hucks 10 - 16 Tartu Turbulence QF #2  Game play
Outsiterz 15 - 17 Tartu Turbulence SF #1  Game play
Tartu Turbulence 14 - 17 Mighty Hucks  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
indoor75271.4 %11115.99012.921
Total75271.4 %11115.99012.921
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
EUICC 2024Mixed275271.4%11115.99012.921

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Terrible Monkeys2223312
Trondheim Frissbeeklubb3223313
Mighty Hucks2233212Thank you for an excellent final!!

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Terrible Monkeys2222210
Trondheim Frissbeeklubb2223211
Hucks2242313We felt that you were exceptionally fair-minded, always willing to discuss and hear out our perspective. You were also willing to make calls when the outcome was not in your favor. Thank you for this amazing display of spirit!
Mighty Hucks2223312Thank you for the amazing game! Really worthy of a final both game- and spirit-wise!