
Mooncatchers (Open)


EUICC 2024 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
1Tom Blasman610313
3John Beeckmans641014
4Benjamin Jonkers622527
8Benoît Spapens641822
9Sofiene Bontemps692332
10Daan De Marrée6101020
16Nicolas De Mesmaeker6448
17Louis Betrancourt6639
21Gaetan Vanden Broeck6426
23Victor Ouchinsky6358
25Andrew Delhaisse6213
33Merlin Wollast4000
56Jonas Taquin6426
99Arvids Zanis Karklins611920

EUICC 2024:

Division: Open

Zoom Ultimate 8 - 16 Mooncatchers  Game play
Mooncatchers 17 - 8 Frizzly Bears  Game play
Salaspils WT 11 - 17 Mooncatchers  Game play
Mooncatchers 15 - 11 UFO QF #1  Game play
Mooncatchers 15 - 9 KFUM Örebro Frisbee SF #1  Game play
Mooncatchers 17 - 11 VfL Gemmrigheim  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
indoor660100.0 %9716.2589.739
Total660100.0 %9716.2589.739
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
EUICC 2024Open1660100.0%9716.2589.739

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Zoom Ultimate2223211
Frizzly Bears2222210
Salaspils WT2222210
UFO2221310Sideline should be less reactionary to calls unless asked.
KFUM Örebro Frisbee221117We disagree on a lot of situation -happens, we think some of the situations were terrible.We leave with the feeling that they take Every opportunity to use the rules to their advantage. Out calls etc. On top of this there are 2 very bad spirited Occations. One is a throw of a disc right at one of our players in between points. And there were no excuse. ”I gave you the disc, didn’t I”. 2ndly in the circle when we shared our view a lot of players Mockingly made Faces and joked around.
VfL Gemmrigheim2222311

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. TotalComments
Zoom Ultimate2233212
Frizzly Bears2232211
Salaspils WT2213210
KFUM Örebro Frisbee212218
VfL Gemmrigheim2323313